Red's Dead Redemption


Dedicated to the cowboys and indians that eventually won the west. This was not an easy endeavor. Many lives were lost to gunslingers and assholes that wanted to pursue a Socialist Republic. Our great family of cowboys and indians came together to create this concoction of blood, sweat and tears to ward off evil spirits. To the complete astonishment of the resistance, all of a sudden there came a man named Donald "John" Wayne. The west was finally won and history had been made. This recipe has been handed down to me from my ancestors, (and fizzmustard) be they Red, White or Blue. I have decided to share this recipe due to the new need for freedom and independence from modern day gunslingers and assholes. I hope it works as well today as it did back in the wild west era. Today, there’s a new sheriff in town by the name of John “Wayne” Walker. Let’s see what the future holds.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%TPA Strawberry     6%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     8%

Total Flavor: 14.5%