3-2-1 Cronut


Go nuts for Cronuts. If you've never had one you are truly missing out on one of the finest culinary inventions of the last decade. A cronut is a like a croissant and a donut had a baby. It's rich buttery layered pastry dough that's fried and filled with vanilla cream. read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronut I have long dreamed about being able to vape this flavor and now you can too. There are 3 main notes here. The Buttery Flaky Pastry. VTA Croissant is exactly that. The Crispy Fried Texture. FA Zeppola a fried cake donut does exactly what it needs to here. At 2% gives you a nice fried dough flavor without turning caky or muddling the recipe. The Vanilla Cream. FLV Vanilla Pudding is so good. It's a dark dark vanilla. It's incredibly creamy and perfectly smooth at just 1%. It holds up well against all that butter and dough. I sweeten this recipe with 0.5% FW Sweetener. Watch the Video Here: https://youtu.be/2Eq_WF01gKI


FLV Vanilla Pudding     1%FA Zeppola     2%VT Croissant     3%

Total Flavor: 6%