

Been trying ever since I ran out of that holy grail V1 to find some sort of suitable replacement to the deliciousness that is Cardinal. I've tried all sorts of things and quite literally all of them found themselves to be washing the pipes down my kitchen sink. Got a new shipment in a few days ago and as I was single testing JF RY4 double found it great and just thought fuck it, why not throw a drop or two of red Burley in there and see what happens. What happened is it was fucking delicious. I've yet to make it past day two of a steep, but even on day 2 it's just a superb desert tobacco vape . To say it's better than Cardinal would be some straight sacrilege, but to me at least it's comparable. A different vape, but satisfying and ticks all my boxes. And, as these concentrated aren't going anywhere soon, hopefully... Something we can all enjoy for many years to come. Cheers !


FLV Red Burley     0.75%JF RY4 Double     4%

Total Flavor: 4.75%