Untitled TPA Vanilla Tobacco


A relatively simple vanilla tobacco using all TPA flavors. This is (hopefully) the culmination of my attempts to figure out just what the hell to do with TPA RY4 Asian. I dig the stuff, I really do, but the more complicated the recipe got the further in the weeds I got. So, a retreat to a form of minimalism. Not necessarily in the amount of ingredients, but in profile. It's a smooth and easy Vanilla Tobacco. It's not challenging, it's not even particularly interesting, but I do continue to vape and enjoy it and it's dirt cheap to put together. **The Vanilla:** TPA has some really good vanilla options! I wanted a solid vanilla base to lay the tobacco upon, and I think TPA Vanilla Custard II and TPA Vanilla Swirl do that with some additional Ethyl Vanillin to really punch it in. It's not supposed to be "custard" but I do feel like the extra richness from **TPA Vanilla Custard II** helps everything cohere (I also don't get the same weird black pepper note that I get from the OG custard, but, as always, YMMV.) The **vanilla swirl** (triangle triangle triangle) is there for volume, vanilla, and some maltol sweetness. The **vanillin** is just amping up the vanilla. Again, it's not complicated, but it seems to all get the job done. **The Tobacco:** TPA for tobacco? I guess so. Again, I've been trying to figure out how to use **RY4 Asian** forever. It has a really nice caramel to it and an ashy, almost spicy tobacco in there. It brings enough firepower to show up on top of that vanilla. I like it at around 3% before it starts to get really weird. I've also got a touch of **TPA Western** in there for a leathery/papery kind of tobacco accent that goes well with vanilla. I've heard that maybe this may be different than whatever ancient version of Western people have used, so if you have some antique TPA Western maybe buy some new stuff? It's cheap, and surprisingly good as an accent tobacco. There are some bready notes that show up higher, but at 1% it's mostly that aforementioned leathery note. Cool stuff. **This really does benefit from a steep. Maybe give it a week? Longer is better, essentially.** The crew on Developed made me post this before they talk about it. I'm assuming they wanted my humiliation to be complete when they denigrate it and me. If I've made too much of a fool of myself, this may not be the final version. The devious Folkart, Max, and NaChef will not stop until they destroy me. Please help.


TPA Ry4 Asian     3%TPA Vanilla Custard II     4%TPA Vanilla Swirl     3%TPA Vanillin 10% (pg)     4%TPA Western     1%

Total Flavor: 15%