Mango Lemonade Red Bull


The closest I've gotten so far. Been chasing this profile on and off for years. This spritzer is my FAVORITE coffee shop drink.... but only if they make it with powdered country time. Makes it tart. I think the top notes from the shisha lemon with the combo energy drink, nails that pretty well. This mango combo also really nails the sweet, syrupy mango syrup flavoring used in these spritzers. Give this an overnight steep or up to 3 days for best effects, but snv, its really fuckin close to my drink.


FLV Sweet Mango     2.5%FW Rockstar Type     4%INW Shisha Lemon     1%OTHR WS-23     0.75%PUR Super Sweet     1%SC Red Energy     3%WF Island Mango     2%

Total Flavor: 14.25%