Magistra v3 (with mixman)


The idea here was to make a series of mixes that were mostly RY4ish inspired a la Cardinal to showcase the many different ways you could get Tobacco, Caramel, Vanilla in a mix, all pronounced. This was the first one. I had done this intricate matrix of flavors with the formula of Bacco, Bacco Accent, Caramel, Vanilla. So, I started with using my favorites out of each of those: **Bacco** - HS RY1 is an excellent flavor that is now hard to source. It is a workhorse of a flavor that plays nice with nearly everything. If you can find it (and you like tobaccos), do get yourself a decent sized bottle. I can guarantee you that you will like it. It has just enough bacco and hint of vanilla to carry the bulk of any recipe from 1-3% needing only about 7 days to get 'there'. Until then, it's a bit dull and listless, so do give it a week. Here we accent it with... **Bacco Accent** - FLV Arabian is a fantastic flavor and does a sick job of accenting whatever it touches. It brings a sharp 'zing' that is a mix of spiciness and ash, but don't let that fool you. I've used it in [Arab Mom's Butter Cookie]( as an accent and it's marvelous. I used it to add some zing to [Bacco Blend No. 1]( Here it is very striking with nothing else to really compete with it and accents the HS RY1 turning it from a mellow tobacco to a curiously strong one. **Caramel** - FM Caramel is very hard to find if you weren't lucky enough to have snagged it from Nic River before it went wholesale. I'm sure this one is subbable, I just haven't settled on a sub for it. FM Caramel is like a golden caramel so whatever you prefer I think could work here. I wanted something 'lighter and brighter' than the regular dark fares I choose. I'd probably say that FA Caramel at 1.5% could stand in if you don't have a preference. **Vanilla** - FLV Smooth Vanilla is arguably the king of all bacco vanillas for me. Some folks might not light it. It does carry a cherry note and requires a 3 day steep before you can taste anything else in a mix underneath it, for me. That cherry note will either steep out or fade when mixed with properly in my experience. Here it adds a great mouthfeel that is more musky than creamy which was why I chose it over INW Shisha Vanilla (a likely suitable sub). If you sub this and get a dry mix, maybe add 0.1 FLV Lovage to make up for it. Obviously if you sub, I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I can't do that anyway. Adapt, not adopt. SFT your flavors and get to know them. Try new things and share what you know/do. PS This mix is titled w/ @mixman because he tried it and encouraged me to give it a fair shot. At first, it really wasn't what I had envisioned. I had to come back to it after a long time to accept it was almost as good as he said it was. I really did find myself enjoying it and haven't figured out a way to improve upon it, or the need to, in all this time.


FLV Arabian Tobacco     0.2%FLV Smooth Vanilla     0.2%FM Caramel     4%HS RY1     3%

Total Flavor: 7.4%