Pistachio Gelato | Blind Remix | DEVELOPED
This Remix is based on the commercial e-liquid, Pistachio Gelato by Ice Cream Man. Nachef purchased this e-liquid and didn't have a lot of good to say about the e-liquid, but he did like the concept of the profile. So, using his description of what he was tasting, and with the goal of making it better, we came up with this wonderful recipe. It's thick, creamy, eggy, with just the right amount of pistachio. Give it a go, I'm sure you will enjoy this simple, yet flavorful delight! See the full Episode and flavor notes at https://youtu.be/TjJ9csHiMug .
This is a collaborative creation by DEVELOPED: NaChef, Max Savage, and Folkart.
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FLV Sweetness 1%FW Hazelnut 1%TPA Pistachio 3%TPA Vanilla Bean Gelato 1%TPA Vanilla Custard II 2%VT Vanilla Ice Cream 2%Total Flavor: 10%