Hazelnut RY4 | DEVELOPED
This recipe was submitted by Slushy for You Vote, We Mix. He wanted a Hazelnut, Caramel, Vanilla Cream, Brown Sugar, Tobacco, and that's exactly what he got. It is mostly a dessert tobacco, mild but very saturated with brown sugars, hazelnut, and vanilla cream. If you want a more bold tobacco, we suggest adding a bit of FLV Sweet and Smoky, or FLV Red Burley. See the full Episode and flavor notes at https://youtu.be/FOaUQGHf3Xg .
This is a collaborative creation by DEVELOPED: NaChef, Max Savage, and Folkart.
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FLV Sweetness 0.5%FW Butter Pecan 2%JF Dulce De Leche 1%TPA Ry4 Double 4%VT Vanilla Cream 2.5%WF Roasted Hazelnut SC 1.5%Total Flavor: 11.5%