Happy Cowboy (Camp Tigerclaw Remix)
Green apple Jolly Rancher.
I tried WF Jolly Green Candy aka WF Green Sweet Candy, which is what it's called on the bottle I have. Or I'm pretty sure it's called Green Candy at Chefs. Anyway, I tried it and thought it was like a better version of CAP Green Apple Hard Candy. To me the apple flavour is better and you don't have to use it at a crazily high %. It does the hard candy texture really well. I've heard the folks on Noted describe some hard candy flavours as 'glossy' and it is definitely that.
I wanted to experiment with the flavour so I thought it made sense to try it in ConcreteRiver's Camp Tigerclaw. I just subbed the CAP Green Apple Hard Candy for WF Whatever It's Called and it turned out pretty great. There is already a fair amount of sucralose in the WF so I reduced the amount of CAP SS used. It's maybe not quite as sweet as Camp Tigerclaw, but it's still pretty sweet for me. I found that the sweetener was dampening the sourness so I tried to balance getting the sweetness without losing too much of the tartness. Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 0.4%FLV Sour Apple 3%WF Green Jolly Candy 2%Total Flavor: 5.4%