

Simple. Shake and vape test(shake throughout the first 24hrs, let set overnight. Vaped in the morning. Amazing. I'm a strawberry jammy kinda guy. This is that with some hints of candy but mainly gooey joy. Ss not needed but as usual. I love it. To me, Jack tastes almost like a brother of INW shisha so I figured, why not and this is easily a ADV Would recommend to step 3 to 7 days ONLY if harsh and shake good for 24hrs. I can tell that itll even out in a couple days and might lose its bite but I dont think itll last that long lol Edit: week 1-2 gooey Week 3-4 candy Vape as you wish lol I prefer week 1 to 2 as I don't vibe with candy flavors


FA Pazzo Jack     6%INW Shisha Strawberry     1.15%

Total Flavor: 7.15%