Simple Apple Fritter


I know there are tons of different apple fritters out there, all very similar, this is one of my favorites, and it was suggested by my friend. It's just a simple apple fritter, or bearclaw as called in the south-western part of the states. It's very similar to /u/returnity 's Cinapple Fritter from Reddit, but made simple. It can be shake n vape'd, but the Fuji tends to calm down from the harshness after a few days, and the CDS fills out a bit. Doesn't seem to stick around on your coils or change the profile. TFA Dragonfruit absolutely makes this recipe, it helps bring out the Fuji while simultaneously blending it with the danish, I wouldn't recommend making it unless you have this. Using a richer, stronger cinnamon such as FLV Rich Cinnamon (.33%) might make it a more robust cinnamon fritter is always an option as well. This is also similar to /u/1D10-T 's Apple Danish, but in no way a direct copy.


CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl     5%FA Apple Fuji     4%TPA Bavarian Cream     3%TPA Dragonfruit     1%

Total Flavor: 13%