Could this be Cheesecake??


## ​ - Berries 'n Cheesecake ​ ​ _An amalgamation of blueberry forward cheesecake-esque stuff 'n things!_ So I'll be honest - I've never had an actual cheesecake That's why I'm not going to sit here and tell you, that this is an authentic blueberry cheesecake - because I honestly have no idea. All I know is, that I've been vaping this a lot .. whatever it is .. FW Blueberry this is the bright topnote of the berry blend. **CAP Blueberry Jam** for the tartness, along with **FLV Boysenberry** to add some depth. Then some **PUR Wild Berry Harvest** to round it all off, as it's still kind of flat and one dimensional without it. This flavor really makes all the difference. **INW Yes, We Cheesecake** and **TPA Cheesecake (Graham Crust)** the cheesecake base. Steep a minimum of 7 days, for the cheesecake to come forward and the berry blend to settle. But personally I give this 2-3 weeks, before I think it's the best it can be / Please feel free to leave feedback


CAP Blueberry Jam     2.5%FLV Boysenberry     0.6%FW Blueberry     2.75%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     2.75%PUR Wild Berry Harvest     2%TPA Cheesecake (graham Crust)     2.5%

Total Flavor: 13.1%