Pango Smoothie


So inspiration came from Spiders Duet entry actually, i decided to throw a pineapple in there because it sounded good and wanted to make a sorta pina colada with mango prominent throughout while not taking over the pineapple too much. VT Shisha mango and FA MIS makes a nice and well rounded mango for me. VT sugarloaf pineapple needed a little help from INW pineapple but thats fine. and VT fizzy sherbet with FA whipped cream really thicken this up quite a bit and give it a good smoothie texture.


FA Cream Whipped     1.25%FA Mango Indian Special     2.25%INW Pineapple     1%OTHR WS-23     0.3%VT Fizzy Sherbet     2%VT Shisha Mango     1.5%VT Sugarloaf Pineapple     3%

Total Flavor: 11.3%