New World #VAPICON Mixers Club


For all friends of unusual so far unknown taste worlds... --- I'm so happy, Wayne from DIYorDIE mixed this recipe. As it is with the Yanks, Sweetener is of course always missing and with more subtle tuning of a recipe they can not always do something. Despite everything, I am the winner of the session, I'm so happy. Wayne's conclusion: »So in this recipe, first time victim Dampfer takes Rootbeer to a weird, interesting place. The idea was basically an abstract impression of Rootbeer. He utilized all FLV flavors, and decided to go Rootbeer float, but also add FLV Pink Guava. This gives the recipe an very interesting, unique, almost medicinal property. It does come across as somewhat moreish. If you’ve every had a Campari and Soda, it gives off the same type of vibe. Somewhat bitter, somewhat medicinal. But something you seek out. Unfortuantely, the recipe is just too light, and needs some work on becoming present. Nonetheless, I love rewarding new unique recipes.« Click here to go directly to the episode:…r-guava-midweek-critique/ Or directly to the video: All in all, I'm pleased that Wayne basically recognized the special nature of my recipe. They are very special contrasts, which at first actually seem absurd and overall result in a whole new, previously completely unknown taste experience. --- Well over 100 years ago, the German author Karl May wrote interesting and very successful books about the Indians in North America. Although he was never in North America himself, his stories seem very real. I felt the same way when I developed this recipe. The flavor "FLV Root Beer" really fascinated me, also what great liquids can be mixed from it. But: I have never drunk a root beer. More by chance I saw that Root Beer offentlich is also popular with vanilla ice cream as Root Beer Float. Since I am also very excited about the flavor "FLV Smooth Vanilla", I set out to develop a special recipe for how I might like Root Beer Float as a drink as well. "FLV Cream" in combination with "FLV Milk & Honey" supports the vanilla with a special sweet creaminess and a light caramel flavor. The impression of runny ice cream should be created, which is why "FLV Ice" is used only very discreetly. The result so far has already pleased me quite well, but the very special touch was still missing. Here the idea came to me: "FLV Pink Guava" had already struck me in the Single Flavor Test as a very special flavor. This gives the mix a very special contrast. I like it that way. It's something special and particular. I am curious about the reviews. Created especially for the VAPICON Mixers Club 02/2021. VAPICON - German DIY eJuice community Discord Server: --- Für alle Freunde von außergewöhnlichen bisher unbekannten Geschmackswelten... --- Vor deutlich über 100 Jahren hat der deutsche Autor Karl May interessante und sehr erfolgreiche Bücher über die Indianer in Nordamerika. Obwohl er niemals selbst in Nordamerika war, wirken seine Geschichten sehr real. Genauso fühlte ich mich als ich dieses Rezept entwickelt habe. Das Aroma "FLV Root Beer" hat mich richtig fasziniert, auch was für tolle Liquids daraus gemischt werden können. Aber: Ein Root Beer habe ich noch nie getrunken. Mehr per Zufall sah ich, dass Root Beer offentlich auch mit Vanilleeis als Root Beer Float beliebt ist. Da ich von dem Aroma "FLV Smooth Vanilla" ebenfalls sehr begeistert bin, habe ich mich daran gemacht, ein spezielles Rezept zu entwickeln, wie mir Root Beer Float auch als Getränk gefallen könnte. "FLV Cream" in Kombination mit "FLV Milk & Honey" unterstützt die Vanille mit einer besonderen süßen Cremigkeit und einem leichten Karamell-Geschmack. Es soll der Eindruck verlaufenen Eises entstehen, weshalb nur sehr dezent "FLV Ice" zum Einsatz kommt. Das bisherige Ergebnis hat mir schon ganz gut gefallen, aber der ganz besondere Touch hat mir noch gefehlt. Hier kam mir der Einfall: "FLV Pink Guava" war mir bereits beim Single Flavor Test als ganz besonderes Aroma aufgefallen. Dieses verleiht dem Mix einen ganz besonderen Gegensatz. Mir gefällt es so. Es ist etwas besonderes und spezielles. Ich bin gespannt auf die Reviews. Speziell für den VAPICON Mixers Club 02/2021 kreiert. VAPICON - German DIY eJuice community Discord Server:


FLV Cream     0.6%FLV Ice     0.2%FLV Milk & Honey     0.6%FLV Pink Guava     0.5%FLV Root Beer     1.2%FLV Smooth Vanilla     0.25%

Total Flavor: 3.35%