The Procrastinator


I’m about to take my final exams for the semester and I should be studying for them, but this recipe has kept my attention since the basket ingredients dropped. Anyways, the recipe is a Banana cream pie milkshake topped with nuts. I’ve had bad experiences in the past with banana flavored juice because of a local shop, but this recipe changed my outlook on TFA’s banana cream and everyone’s near and dear friend TFA’s Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. For the longest time I hated both of these flavorings, but for some reason they came together beautifully in this recipe. I can usually tell if a recipe is finished by having a particular family member try it because their palate isn’t very developed, if they can say what I’m going after without my help then I know I can stop obsessing. I have a Biochemistry final exam in the morning, so this won’t be as elegant as my last recipe description unfortunately. FA SOHO/FW Hazelnut- I used the nutty and desert qualities of SOHO to give a nut topping, as well as bring a little bit of warmth to the recipe. I’m not very experience with tobaccos and I know that this is a weaker flavoring, but at 4% Fa SOHO gives nutty and earthy qualities to the recipe with accents of tobacco. FW Hazelnut was in here for two reasons, to play off of the nutty qualities of SOHO and to bring out the “malt” flavor of the milkshake. TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream/FA Vienna Cream- TFA’s Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is a thick and heavy vanilla bean ice cream flavor. I tried every VBIC I had in my arsenal, but they all fell short to this version. Whenever you go to make a milkshake there is usually one type of ice cream that can be a universal base, which is vanilla bean ice cream. I used VBIC at such a low percentage because it would muddy up the rest of the mix if it was any higher. FA Vienna cream is in here for two reasons, it turns the ice cream into a milkshake and it provides a backbone for the banana cream to stand against the other flavorings. JF Bavarian Cream/TFA Banana Cream- These make up the majority of the banana cream pie, mostly the pie filling. I found through trial and error that these play off of each other in an interesting way to really bring out an authentic banana cream/banana pudding flavor. Bavarian cream in particular was essential to making this profile work out the way it did because it brings your creams to the front, while adding richness and a layer of complexity to the entire mix. Steep time: Shake and vape but after a day or two it really starts to come together. Optional: Koolada to taste for a realistic milkshake feeling.


FW Hazelnut     1%FA Soho     4%FA Vienna Cream     1%JF Bavarian Cream     2.5%TPA Banana Cream     4%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     3%

Total Flavor: 15.5%