
If this is the first time you’re looking at one of my recipes thank you so much for checking me out. These recipes are geared towards mixers who are just starting out making their own eliquid. All of the flavors in this recipe are from a limited list of 26 ingredients. Check out my YouTube channel for lots more recipes! Look, I love RY4s. I have been trying for so long to create my own RY4. I've made plenty, some successful, most not, but what I was looking for was just a bear basics, all day RY4. Nothing addition, special, unique or unexpected. Some dirty tobacco, sweet caramel and a little cream. I've been using TFA RY4 Double as a solo flavor at 7% for quite a while. AND. I. LOVE. IT. But still, I wanted to create something of my own. I tried so many tobaccos, combined them with every caramel that exists and I just couldn't get that simple profile perfect, until now. I was chatting with my friend Mike and he brought up FA Soho. I'd never tried it, at the time, I'd never even heard of it. It's got one of those weird names that doesn't say what it is so why should've I? I picked it up and I. LOVED. IT. It was exactly what I had been looking for to create my own RY4. The key to unlock such a simple thing. I used it at 5% and it's a beautiful, delicate and quite dirty tobacco with some warm, sugary sweet, bakery notes. It's the perfect building block for an RY4. I combined it with syrupy FW Salted Caramel for that caramel finish and 1% WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard to give it some creamy mouthfeel and a hint of cured tobacco. I love this recipe and I hope you try it out! Sweeten to Taste. Watch the Video Here: https://youtu.be/-fNg16V5yK4


FW Caramel (salted)     3%FA Soho     5%WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard     1%

Total Flavor: 9%