Cactus Soda #Developed2Banger


I was inspired by an episode of noted, I-D10T reviewed FW Citrus Soda and said that it was close to Mountain Dew, and had some sort of powdery effervescence.. And he wasn't wrong. The problem is that the powderyness came off as dryness and harshness to me. The only thing i had to correct this was INW Cactus. One time while mixing this, i accidentally put too much cactus in, and actually liked it. The aloe quality of cactus at high percentages blends into the citrus of the soda and really tones down the soapy notes i get from Cactus. The soda gets wet, loses the harshness, maintains some of it's carbonation, and all is right in the world. I'm also very sensitive to sweetener, so i use the weakest sweetener i have found and only put one drop per 30 ml. Obviously, use whatever sweetener you want and sweeten to taste.


FW Citrus Soda     4%INW Cactus     1.5%TPA Sweetener     0.1%

Total Flavor: 5.6%