1-2-3 Cherry Coke #DEVELOPED2Banger


> Very simple yet satisfying Cherry Coke Recipe 🍒 **This is a sweet and tasty Cherry Coke like you get it off the can. Really like how these two SSA Flavors work together. This very authentic slightly citrusy Cola goes really well together with the natural Cherry feeling, that SSA Juicy Cherries provides. As a matter of fact, there is still enough room to add flavors to this recipe but heyyy - not allowed in this context. Still this mix is damn close to the OG and Jesus - all my vape life I was looking for something like this. Enjoy!** ### This recipe is shared for the Developed Assignment challenge, 2 flavor bangers. ### Ingredients * **CAP SS** with 1% to simply make it a perfect 1-2-3 recipe. * **SSA Cola** with 2% provides just the right amount of the less prominent Cola side of things. * **SSA Juicy Cherries** with 3% stands actually side by side with Cola to give it the realistic Cherry Coke vipe. ### Additional Notes * Don’t go to crazy with the SSA Cherry * Add 0.5% WS-23 if you like cool drinks! * Add 0.5% VTA Fizzy Sherbet to push the famous Coke effervescent feeling. If you drip it, please give the cotton some seconds to fully absorb the liquid before you take the first hit, as this is a quite strong mix. ### Testing Notes **Developed on Hadaly RDA. (DL, 27-32W, 0.25 Ohm, VV Fine Fused Clapton Ni90)** ### Links If you wanna check out **VAPEDIA** feel free to join our discord channel. We‘re a German DIY community but we do have an international channel for english speakers too: https://discord.gg/FuCSeKw [![VAPEDIA](https://i.imgur.com/8Ku6LoD.png)](https://discord.gg/FuCSeKw "VAPEDIA Discord") ![SnV approved](https://i.imgur.com/rOHNnkk.png)


CAP Super Sweet     1%SSA Cola     2%SSA Juicy Cherries     3%

Total Flavor: 6%