#Developed2Banger- DeepBlue


I wanted to make something dark and fruity for my 2banger recipe. Instantly I thought of jungle flavours blueberry as I find it to be quite a dark juicy blueberry. I then realised that milk and honey has a strange caramelised deepness to it and thought that together they could make quite an interesting kinda caramelised blueberry dark fruity combo. I tried to shake and vape this, wouldn't recommend doing that! Definitely needs at least 24hours, after 48 hours I find it to be much smoother. I don't add much sweetener to this as i find both flavours to be sweet enough, but whatever floats your boat on that.


CAP Super Sweet     0.2%FLV Milk & Honey     2.25%JF Blueberry     2%

Total Flavor: 4.45%