Rawlinsonboy's Honeycomb Cheesecake with Chocolate Chips


Thrown together on Fresh03's "Mixing For Mike" show on 6/12. Rawlinsonboy's donation to the GoFundMe for VapinTrucker's family bought him a recipe request, and that request was honeycomb chocolate cheesecake. I asked everyone if the chocolate meant chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, or the cheesecake itself is chocolate cheesecake, and fellow mixers seemed most interested in chocolate chips, which made me happy because it's by far the easiest to do, though VT Chocolate Mousse probably wouldn't have made chocolate cheesecake too hard. I just used PUR's **NY Cheesecake and Cheesecake Graham** to give a slight upgrade to this [Cheesecake Trinity](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/225347#cheescake_trinity_base_for_cheesecakes_by_chainvapor), dumped a ton of **VT Honeycomb** on top, used as much WF Chocolate Chunks as I thought I could get away with without it getting weird, and added some Sweetener because chocolate honeycomb cheesecake. The little bit of **VT English Toffee** is where I imagine the honeycomb toffee bits and cheesecake start to melt together a little in your mouth. This might be done, but I'm probably going to try it again after a steep and tweak it a bit. Might consider switching to a chocolate cheesecake instead of a cheesecake with chocolate chips in and on it, switching from graham to a chocolate cookie crust, or trying to make it more like a milk chocolate-coated honeycomb toffee candy bar crunched up on a cheesecake. But it's already pretty yummy, and if Rawlinsonboy's happy, I'm happy.


FW Sweetener     0.5%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     3%PUR Cheesecake Graham     1%PUR New York Cheesecake     2%VT English Toffee     1%VT Honeycomb     5%WF Chocolate Chunks     1.5%

Total Flavor: 14%