Sprite Lemonade


THE SECOND LEMONADE AT 1% IS REKA/WREKA LEMONADE GREEN it's from chefs. it's green. it's a lemonade by reeeeeeeka Well Id10-t said it tasted like Sprite.....on Noted on diyordie youtube every Monday at 10pm(est) with MlNikon and EyeMSam....He was correct. I decided to add some fizzy to give it, fizz.....shocker. Cactus lime is to team up with Reka/Wrecka(from chefs uk). So imo, the sprit....I mean VTA lemonade is a almost perfect sprite but missing that lime whereas lemonade green is the TOTAL opposite. It has the lime. So I combined the cactus lime and lemonade green to give a juice carbonated lime. Fizzy Sherbet literally is just the dude cheering on everyone at the party. He only does good. He is the man holding you up during a stand. Legend. You really dont need it but it thickens up the recipe and gives even more carbohydrates or carbonation or some cool word. Btw. Lemonade green is good but SUPER potent compared to other lemonades(kinda like vta) Hope u enjoy *picture of a Sprite can here*


INW Cactus - Lime     0.5%VT Fizzy Sherbet     1%VT Lemonade     1%VT Lemonade     2%

Total Flavor: 4.5%