Sakura-Vanilla Ice Cream Mochi


> Mochi filled with Sakura (cherry blossom) and vanilla ice cream ### Exotic mochi dessert with hints of rice and floral sidenotes For what feels like an eternity, you are driving through the wastelands that remained from that they called an "Apocalyptic Event". The sun is burning and you feel exhausted - but visiting the circus seems too tempting, so you speed up a bit more instead of returning home to your shelter. You finally reach the half-rotten pile of tarpaulin thats seems to be the big top of the circus. "*Ice cream, fresh ice cream! Treat yourself with some nice and cold refreshment!*" You immediately aim to where the shout came from. A vendor, dressed up as a pretty bizarre clown (though you have seen weirder things during the past weeks), waves at you, happily pointing at some little red buttony balls. "*Go and give them a chance, you most likely wont't regret it!*" he says with a strange giggle and a creepy look in his eyes. *-Sigh-*, not the kind of ice cream you expected but do you really have a choice? You grab one of the strange balls, the clown immediately starts to giggle again, so you decide to rather walk a few steps before trying that cold little thingy. It feels like it has some kind of soft shell around. You take a small, careful bite - the shell is a bit chewy and hast a light taste of rice. Underneath you feel the cold ice cream. *But what's that taste?* It remembers you of vanilla and cherries, but something's different. You take a bigger bite - *Wow, that's refreshing!"* You eat the rest of it in one sit. The taste of cherries and vanilla are dominating but there are floral sidetones you are unable to specify. '*Damn!* You crave for another one and you're curious about what you were actually eating. But as you turn around, the strange clown already disappeared. ### Ingredients * **TPA Cherry Blossom** Well balanced mix of floral notes and cherries. * **LB Vanilla Ice Cream** Builds the basis of the ice cream * **TFA Black Cherry** Maybe the best cherry around. Supports the fruitiness of the ice cream * **FE Sweet Rice** Basis of the mochi shell. Slight taste of rice that (sadly) keeps fading * **TPA Rice Crunchies** Adds a bit of rice and keeps FE Sweet Rice from fading completely * **VTA Sweet Cream** Supports the ice cream basis by adding a bit sweetness and creaminess * **TFA Vanilla Swirl** Some more ice cream mouthfeel and some support on the vanilla notes * **OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla)** Fades in after the first days. Nice addition for mouthfeel and a bit support on the vanilla * **CAP Super Sweet** Not necessary but I liked it better with some additional sweetness * **WS-23** It's a cold dessert, here we go! ### Additional Notes * Sadly the rice keeps fading out during the first days, when the Marshmallow still fades in. Therefor the mix has some slight changes in its taste - though I like it both, SnV and with a steepening of 3 days or more ### Testing Notes **Developed for DL on Hadaly (handmade single coil (Alien), 0,2 Ohm, SS316L), Aromamizer Supreme V3 (dual coils, 0,1 Ohm, NiCr90) and Taifun GX (handmade single coil (Alien), 0,34 Ohm, NiCr80)** **The picture is taken from and belongs to** ### Links If you wanna check out **VAPEDIA** feel free to join our discord channel. We‘re a German DIY community but we do have an international channel for english speakers too: [![VAPEDIA](]( "VAPEDIA Discord")


CAP Super Sweet     0.25%FE Sweet Rice     1.5%LB Vanilla Ice Cream     3%OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla)     0.5%OTHR WS-23     1%TPA Black Cherry     1.5%TPA Cherry Blossom (pg)     2.5%TPA Rice Crunchies     0.4%TPA Vanilla Swirl     0.5%VT Sweet Cream     1%

Total Flavor: 12.15%