Norra El Norra


Apple / Rose / Cardamom infusion. I do not own any rights for the recipe's image and all credit goes to the awesome band Orphaned Land. A family traditional apple infusion / semi-beverage from my mother's side, that my grandmother used to make before Yom Kippur's fast breaking meal. It is a watery beverage made by infusing thinly sliced apples, cardamom, rose water and sugar with water. It is relatively light in flavor and served in a big bowl (similar to punch bowl). The apple flavor is very light and not so sweet, a bit more on the peel side (rather than apple flesh). This semi-beverage purpose is to help the body regain liquids and to introduce some digestion activity gradually before the main meal, to prevent stomach aches after a 25 hours of complete fasting (for those who choose to fast). I don't have many apples and FA Fuji seemed to work well as a realistic apple at 2%, in the right dose. Since it is the base of the recipe, it is tasty and thin enough for this purpose. FA Meringue helps to vaguely sweeten the recipe and fights FA Cardamom's throat hit. FW Sweetener is used in 1 drop per 15 ml.


FW Sweetener     0.12%FA Apple Fuji     2%FA Cardamom     0.7%FA Meringue     0.5%INW Wild Rose     0.6%

Total Flavor: 3.92%