G.P.A. Juice


I have been wanting to find the reason why anyone would vape on a grape juice or grape candy lol well with grape juice being one of the first flavorings given me in the beginning, I never really thought about messing with it, until 4 months ago. I know what some may think "Why wait almost two years to mess with a flavoring?". To be honest, when I tested it as a standalone I hated it, so much. Come to find out I did have a use for it thanks to my kids once again, I have found a way to keep it low enough to still taste it without it being so overwhelming which is why I hated it to begin with. But I am still sticking my toes in the water with any type of grape. So the recipe shown above reminds me of a juice that you can buy at any store that sales cranberry juices and other fruit juices. The mix looks a little funky but it is good for a fruit juice. The grape is the main profile, with the peach and apple on the back more than the front of the mix as shown in the mix. You will notice that the grape has more of the juice on it's side obviously, and that the apple and peach are for the accents which work very well together in my opinion. After the first day things really come together so as far as I am concerned this recipe is not only good but its probably finished! Regardless of which I think y'all will like this as a good vape! Mix and enjoy!


FA Peach     2.25%PUR Country Apple     2.5%TPA Grape Juice     1.75%

Total Flavor: 6.5%