Peaches, berries and cream


So, I originally made a peaches and cream I did not feel was good enough to share, the white peach was way too strong! This time, we’ll I’m not going to lie I am surprised with how good this is!! I have only been mixing a few months and this is third one I have came up with on my own and this one is great and my favorite! Works well as a shake and vape. Something about the berry flavor settles the peach down and is amazing. I also put 3 drops of cap sweet mango per 60mls but that is optional and hardly measurable. Enjoy


CAP Super Sweet     0.4%FA Peach White     1.75%FA Red Touch (strawberry)     1%INW Raspberry     0.75%SSA Raspberry Syrup     0.75%TPA Bavarian Cream     1.25%TPA Raspberry (sweet)     2.5%TPA Vanilla Swirl     0.75%VT Fizzy Sherbet     1.5%VT French Vanilla Ice Cream     3%

Total Flavor: 13.65%