

When I made my first order from liquid barn year back I went with the basic starter kit which these flavors were part of. When I first started mixing, like many, I always over though my recipes and rarely had anything with less than 8 concentrates. I devined some inspiration from fizz mustard's Mustard Milk which itself was a real simple strawberry cream/ice cream recipe. Only problem for me is I'm one that experiences the pepper note from tpa vanilla bean ice cream and as delicious as tpa strawberry ripe is at any percentage, it fades quickly and isn't really suited on its own for a single strawberry in a recipe if you expect the strawberry to remain present throughout any lengthy steep time. LB Strawberry cheesecake is nearly a one shot honestly but being a cream and bakery fan I wanted more creaminess than what it has on its own. LB vanilla ice cream doesn't give me the pepper note that I get from tpa vbic but is a solid if not somewhat generic fast food chain vanilla soft serve ice cream, which isn't a bad thing. Super simple mix that isn't ground breaking but very enjoyable. Kinda like a strawberry cheesecake milkshake as the ingredients would suggest.


LB Strawberry Cheesecake     10%LB Vanilla Ice Cream     5%

Total Flavor: 15%