Tobacco's Dessert
> A dessert like tobacco vape with cookie, ry4, butterscotch & apple
*Thought for a relaxing moment, a cup of coffee and a pleasurable journey into different flavours*
### Ingredients
* **FW Butterscotch Ripple** & **FLV Smoked Butterscotch** Butterscutch duo. The FLV Smoked Butterscotch adds some smokey notes
* **PUR Country Apple** Good apple flavor. Like a baked apple without cinnamon or something else
* **FLV RY4** Good RY4 base
* **FLV Sweet and Smokey Tobacco** Complement FLV RY4. Adds some more spice, darker notes and smoke
* **FA Vanilla Cookie** Very delicious cookie with some vanilla flavouring. Build the biscuit base for the apple and the vanilla notes lines up next to the butterscotch profile. Also lifts up the texture
**No sweetener needed*
### Additional Notes
*Let this mix steep for about 21+ days. The FA Vanilla Cookie needs such a long steeptime to fully develop.*
*Prefered for MTL usage*
### Testing Notes
**Developed on Arcana Mods Chariot & TVGC Millennium RTA. (MTL, 14-16W, 1.2 Ohm, Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Ni80)**
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[]( "KrawaCabana")Recipe
FLV RY4 1.5%FLV Smoked Butterscotch 0.5%FLV Sweet and Smokey Tobacco 0.5%FW Butterscotch Ripple 2%FA Vanilla Cookie 2.5%PUR Country Apple 2%Total Flavor: 9%