Hobbs Stoned Sugar Cookie


TL;DR: This creates a new yummy cookie flavor that you can enjoy as a single, but much better when mixed with other flavors, see pairings below. History and bio: Since ancient vaping times there have been 2 facts: 1- Sugar Cookie (CAP) is a beautiful (yet delicate) soft chewy cookie flavor, that unfortunately fades faster than drunk marriage promises. 2- FA Cookie has been for years pairing well with CAP Sugar Cookie at lower percentages, adding a crunchiness, also adding some staying powers in a golden pairing. But then recently FA changed the cookie game with their delicious new Vanilla Cookie flavor, and it was inevitable that someone disrupts that golden pairing by testing this new flavor, that's how the 'Hobbs Stoned Sugar Cookie' was born. Stoned: Because this recipe creates a new flavor for you, that you can treat as a single flavor to mix in other recipes, or what we call a "Stone". Description: The Hobbs Stoned Sugar Cookie is a simple 123 cookie mix that not only solves Sugar Cookie fading problems, but also creates a new cookie flavor that you can use individually from now on, think of it as a Cookie Stone or a Cookie Base. "Oh God this is heavenly!" was the first review it got from my toughest critic and resident (forced labor) flavor tester: My wife :) How to use: Modify or tweak it, up the FA Cookie, or the CAP Sugar Cookie, or the Vanilla Cookie as your taste or recipe dictates.. Mix the three flavors without adding base (VG/PG) or nicotine, and use it as a single cookie flavor in other mixes, 6% is a good place to start, 2% for a light cookie accent, move up or down depending on the recipe & your taste to find your happy place. Steeping: A shake & vape, little harsh at first, but smooth in the following days, it becomes its own thing as a new flavor, the final recipe will dictate how much steeping you need. Pairings: The Hobbs Stoned Sugar Cookie will pair well with all your usual cookie combinations, have fun with it, but here are some obvious pairing ideas to get you started, use them individually or in combinations as you see fit: - Acetyl Pyrazine 0.5% - FA Meringue 2% - FA Joy 0.25% - FA Butter 1% - Cheesecakes TFA, CAP, INW,FA - Cookie Butter - Milk / Creams - Frosting / Icing - Fruits / Fruit Jams - Vanillas / Vanilla Cupcakes - Cinnamon - Coconut - Biscuit Flavors INW / JF at low % - Caramel, Butterscotch, Brown Sugar - Sweetener / Powdered Sugar or whatever you feel goes well with cookies! Also on ELR: https://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/4071353/ Comments and feedback always welcome.


CAP Sugar Cookie     3%FA Cookie     1%FA Vanilla Cookie     2%

Total Flavor: 6%