Awwww Sheeeeiiiit!


This one just found me as I was browsing the 'Suggest a recipe' thread in r/diyeJuice. Here we have a rich, warm, sweet, and fulfilling combo to go with a nice doppelbock. I am floored that I haven't seen this combination of flavors before now. They just make sense. TFA KB + TFA TM is an amazing pairing. CAP VCv1 + TFA RY4 Double are known to play very nicely for a dessert-style custard-tobacco. TFA GCC brings a bit off sweet body and depth to the profile. This recipe is complete in its simplicity, but feel free to add a bit of butterscotch, torrone, brown sugar, or some sort of nut flavor. Go crazy. Props to /u/ID10-T for planting the seed here:


CAP Vanilla Custard     2%TPA Graham Cracker Clear     1%TPA Kentucky Bourbon     2%TPA Ry4 Double     2%TPA Toasted Marshmallow     1.5%

Total Flavor: 8.5%