Bourbon & Nut Custard
a Delicious and sophisticated Bourbon and Nut Custard.
Dropped the liquid amber from 0.75% to 0.3% and upped the Butter Pecan by 0.5%. Also added some AP to bring out the nuttiness of the Butter Pecan and Torrone a bit.
I felt that the mix wasn't sweet enough so added 0.25% sweetener.
I'm happy with where it is now as a shake and vape, Will let it steep for 7 days and come back with my findings
I gave the juice 2 weeks to mature as a week wasn't enough.
It's a rich custard with burnt sugar and bourbon undertones with a noticeable nuttiness on the exhale. The liquid amber carries the bourbon flavour nicely at 0.3%.
All in all I'm very pleased with the results. I don't see this as an ADV just because of how heavy and rich it is, but it's a satisfying vape.
CAP Vanilla Custard 6%FW Butter Pecan 3%FA Liquid Amber 0.3%FA Torrone 0.5%INW Creme Brulee (yc) 1%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5% 0.25%TPA Kentucky Bourbon 3.5%TPA Sweetener 0.25%Total Flavor: 14.8%