Leo's (P)erfect (P)ointless (P)leasing (P)ineapple (Max's Fault) #DEVELOPEDQUAD


Meant to be a pineapple stone that can be used wherever you need it. I combined the realism of the best offerings of Pineapple from Inw and Cap. I boosted the body with a touch of Flv and the funkiness with the self titled and accurate MB pineapple. I tried quite a few variations with other fruits to bend into a "better" pineapple but the body and flavor seemed to be great without them. I blamed Max in the recipe title but let's face it, Folkart and Nachef are guilty, as well....Guilty of making me a better mixer with their tutelage and soul crushing critiques. I hope this combination will be heralded as the best damn pineapple stone ever created. Really though, it works for me and everyone has their own preferences. Mix it, don't mix it, just don't smoke.


CAP Golden Pineapple     1%FLV Pineapple     0.25%INW Pineapple     2%MB Funky Pineapple     0.75%

Total Flavor: 4%