Chef's Kiss Toffee Apple


I wanted to do a recipe showing mixers what you could do with some of these new Chefs Flavors. I hope the people at Chefs appreciate this wink ;) wink ;) nudge 👉 nudge 👉 lol Apple (Toffee Apple) is really good, like the suckers almost, but pairing it with their truely great Green Apple, and bringing out some more of the Caramel/Toffee notes with a bump of Toffee (Butter) and Brown Sugar, this really is ADV level imo. I used Super Sweet cuz it lacks any bakery aspects and cap makes this pop. I'm snv-ing this. But I'll tell you that the brown sugar is better after a short steep, and the others probably are too. So do what you will lol.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CHF Apple (Green)     1.75%CHF Apple (Toffee Apple)     2.5%CHF Brown Sugar     0.5%CHF Toffee (Butter)     0.75%

Total Flavor: 6%