God Nect@r
I called it God Nectar because it was the first thing that came in my mind when i tasted it.
A tropical, fruity delicious vape IMHO.
Mix it and tell me your opinion.
The ws can be reduce or increase at your choice (the original was with 2%, i like it very cold :) ).
Best after 4 days.
Gary liked it, hope you will too :)
P.S i heard there is a commercial ejuice with the same name, so it's got nothing to do with, i never tried it, we just thought and have the same name :)
קראתי לזה נקטר האלים, כי זה הדבר הראשון
שעלה במוחי...
שילוב נפלא של גויאבה דומיננטית עם אפרסק ותות שמלווים היטב את הטעם הטרופי המשובח הזה.
אשמח שתערבבו, תדרגו ותעירו :)
CAP Super Sweet 0.7%CAP Sweet Guava 6%CAP Sweet Strawberry 2%CAP Yellow Peach 3%OTHR WS-23 1%Total Flavor: 12.7%