Holiday Bark


I should have released this recipe before so you could enjoy it at its best for Christmas. However, I hope you enjoy this as much as I have. LB White Chocolate Peppermint is the best imo. It has that Christmas feel that just works great as a base. Shisha vanilla helps the WCP providing waxiness and pushing up the white chocolate. TPA Pistachio is the best and most accurate. Its creamy, smooth, and compliments great with the FW Butter pecan, adding nuttiness and of course a buttery accent. Finally you have FLV Cranberry as a top note. STEEP FOR 2 WEEKS FOR BEST RESULTS. The WCP needs steeping, but if your desperate just vape it. I have some tests adding VT love, and Sweet Currant pairing it with the cranberry. However I think I like the original more. Suggestions are welcome. Leave your comment!


FLV Caramel     0.5%FLV Cranberry     0.7%FW Butter Pecan     3%INW Shisha Vanilla     1%LB White Chocolate Peppermint     5%TPA Pistachio     4%

Total Flavor: 14.2%