
I personally don't like too much crust but If you want more you could try FA or JF cookie starting at around 0.5%. I prefer **MF lemon** instead of FE so if you have it on hand I would try that. The sweetener is just a suggestion. You can see a review here along with the **other great** recipes. Enjoy. [![LMP](https://i.imgur.com/QfpGhu2.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24GrHp_9Nf0&t=500s&ab_channel=TNOTPRVaping)


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CNV Lemon Cream Wafer     6%FE Lemon     0.3%FA Meringue     1.2%JF Lemon Juicy     3%WF Cookie Butter SC     1%WF Crumble Topping SC     2%

Total Flavor: 14%