Yuno // Broken


Strawberry Milk. After waiting months to get WF Macadamia Nut in, I came to the conclusion that Yuno no longer suits my needs and I needed to reinvent it with some of the knowledge that I have from over a year of learning. I have always romanticized strawberry milk recipes. Maybe it’s because I have trouble tasting strawberry or maybe because I want to hate it so badly. Either way, Yuno was the first recipe that I felt was finished and I wanted to give the name what it deserves. This is the first recipe the I will mark as completed. **WF Macadamia Nut** is still essential to the recipe by adding nuttiness that no one has ever asked for from this profile. This flavor has a slight oily mouthfeel that mixes well with the dairies in order to create the thickness and staying power that I wanted. **VT Milk Fresh** has a very realistic *dairy* vibe that milk should have. It isn’t as smooth as FA Milk or as subtle as OOO Cream Milky Undertones, but this is the milk it needed. It is full-bodied, flavorful, and 100% fresh milk. **CNV Strawberry**, to me, is what I wish VT Glazed Strawberries or WF Strawberry (Baked) would have been. It isn’t a candy version, but a *candied* version. Like fresh strawberries were covered with fresh strawberries glaze and left to cool. This is the driving strawberry for the recipe. **JF Strawberry Sweet** adds what CNV is missing. It’s brighter with a touch a natural strawberry. This flavor completes the commercial syrup vibe. **OOO Cream Milky Undertones** is serving the same function as an emulsifier but it’s directed at the milk. This flavor coats the tongue just like milk does and it bridges the milk and buttercream into a cohesive flavor. **WF Buttercream Frosting** was the hardest part to figure out. I need something thick and sweet without vanilla. Something with a texture that would lend well to a milk without watering it down or turning it too thick. This buttercream has a really full mouthfeel that always contains a little grit and I love how it works with the strawberries. It adds just a little bit to everything that I was missing before. After some further discussion, I needed something to boost the strawberry. I needed a single flavor that would add without blocking anything else. **SSA Milky Strawberry** was the answer. This still what I wanted but it put the strawberry on top. The *milky* isn’t aggressive and the strawberry is syrupy while have it’s own accent that helps the other two shine. From start to finish, this is a very saturated strawberry milk. It is pink as shit and absolutely the best version of the profile that I can come up with. The milk isn’t like other strawberry milks where it’s just Bavarian cream with another yellow cream that doesn’t belong. This is milk. Also, the strawberry is not meant to be an artificial syrup that you give a little kid to make them stop screaming at Applebee’s. The strawberry in this is full and gooey. God speed to whoever mixes this and throws away their other strawberry milk flavors in absolute contempt for how they lied to you.


CNV Strawberry     2.25%FW Sweetener     0.5%JF Strawberry Sweet     1.5%OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG     1%SSA Milky Strawberry     1.5%VT Milk Fresh     1.5%WF Buttercream Frosting SC     1%WF Macadamia Nut SC     1.5%

Total Flavor: 10.75%