Shore Slime (vanilla mint custard) Mix #1 of the Trilogy
Shore Slime THE TRILOGY Mix #1 Vanilla Mint Custard!
The cookies are only there for vanilla flavor and a thick custard presence in the mix. A full thick vanilla custard with a peppermint addition that will keep you coming back for more. Enjoy the Devine that is Shore Slime vanilla mint custard!
Let me know what you think 🤔
Tested on a comet RDA clone with a 2 26 core alien. .36 55watts
Thanks for any reviews sincerely Josh AKA Chasing84 AKA Chasing Clouds and Flavor ReviewsRecipe
CAP Peppermint 1%CAP Sugar Cookie 2.75%CAP Super Sweet 0.75%CAP Vanilla Custard 4.5%FA Custard Premium 1.25%FA Vanilla Cookie 2%Total Flavor: 12.25%