Plum Pudding


Tested and created using a Mechlyfe "Arcless" Mechanical Mod and a Dead Rabbit RDA (Versions 2 and 3). I first either dreamed that I saw or did actually see a recipe that combined Lemon Meringue Pie with Plum. I cannot find that original pairing anymore though. In any event the pairing works well. You could use those two ingredients and you have a decent enough plum flavor to vape all day (IMHO). I wanted to tinker with the concept of pudding ....... more notes on this coming soon. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this.


CAP Lemon Meringue Pie V2     4%FLV Vanilla Pudding     3.5%FE Lemon     0.5%FW Sweetener     1%INW Plum     1.75%OOO Sugar Plum     1.15%TPA Vanilla Custard II     2%VT Pudding Base     1%VT Vanilla Classic     1%

Total Flavor: 15.9%