So Long, Farewell, Untill We Meet Again


Currant Pudding using only flavorings from developeds 'The List'. written as a tribute to their dissolution. sub cap ss for tfa ss if thats what you have, they're virtually identical to my pallet. yes, i tested it. yes, it tastes good(to me). i don't taste anything nasty or off to me. but not everyone tastes the same thing. if you do decide to mix this, and it tastes off AF, or not even close to a currant pudding to you, i apologize in advance.


CAP Sweet Currant     1.5%FA Blackcurrant     1.5%TPA Super Sweetener     0.5%TPA Vanilla Swirl     2%VT Love     1.5%VT Pudding Base     2%

Total Flavor: 9%