Apricot Custard


Wanted a fairly simple Apricot Custard. I used Sweet Cream and Shisha Vanilla to accentuate the CAP Custards, because I had it on hand. I believe I got lucky there, they work very well together. I feel like the Apricot is fairly on point. I used FA Apricot as the main flavor. The White Peach gives it a little bite and the FLV Apricot adds depth. 7 days steep would be the minimum. I made a 100ml batch, been vaping it for over a week and the longer time goes the more flavor I’m getting. I never tried an Apricot Custard juice before I made this so, I don’t know how it compares. To me, this is more of a frozen custard rather than a baked. Let me know what you think. I’m trying different custard recipes to pair with the apricot. Possibly a Version 2 coming out at some point.


CAP Super Sweet     1%CAP Sweet Cream     0.5%CAP Vanilla Custard     2%CAP Vanilla Custard V2     1.5%FLV Apricot     1.5%FA Armenia (apricot)     3%FA Peach White     0.5%INW Shisha Vanilla     0.2%

Total Flavor: 10.2%