Forest Cheesecake


I'm in love with Forest Fruit FA. It's so tasty and versatile! Here is my cheesecake base with just Forest Fruit on top. I think Cheesecake Graham Crust JF has the perfect biscuit to pair with Yes INW. Yogurt FW brings creamyness, but I like to use Sweet Yogurt SSA for more sweetness. Easy, simple and my perfect Forest Fruit all day vape. I got a hint of coconut on the first couple of days due to Graham Crust JF, but after that it seems to fit to the recipe.


CAP Super Sweet     0.75%FW Yogurt     2%FA Forest Fruit Mix     3%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     3%JF Cheesecake Graham Crust     1.75%

Total Flavor: 10.5%