Baked Apple Turnover 🍎


10/6/21 Baked Apple Turnover CRUST: Croissant for buttery flakiness. Pie Crust for body. Bread (Sweet) for a light doughy flavor that lingers at the end of the exhale. A 3-day steep really does begin to pull this crust together nicely. And by 7 days all of the recipe ingredients blended together very smoothly. FILLIING: Country Apple for flavor. Red Dates was used to help darken the brightness of the apples. For a thick gooey syrup the Red Dates proved useful for that as well, along with Cookie Butter and VCll. SPICES: Butterscotch is a natural with apples. Cinnamon (Ceylon) is my very favorite cinnamon. It's not weak. It's full-flavored, remains present and yet the actual taste and feel is calm and doesn't over power other notes. One could crank it way up I suppose to more of a stand-out or hotter cinnamon. But, over all I find it as the perfect bakery cinnamon. Pumpkin Spice has no pumpkin note. It is strictly the spices. Cinnamon, clove, ginger and nutmeg. All the spices that can be used with apples. As always, sweeten to taste. This has greatly surpassed my expectations from that 1st off-the-shake vape. It's delicious. Thank-you to DEVELOPED site, Discord group and videos for DIY info, help and discussion. Innokin Ajax tank - Plex 3D Mesh Coil 0.35 ohm - 44W (DL) Innokin Kroma Z - Z Coil 0.30 ohm - 34W (RDL) Smok Nord 2 - RPM Mesh Coil 0.4 ohm - 23W (RDL) Mood music while mixing - Get Over It by The Eagles ELR:


CAP Super Sweet     1.5%FLV Butterscotch     0.5%FLV Pumpkin Spice     0.75%FW Pie Crust     1.25%FA Cinnamon Ceylon     1.25%PUR Country Apple     4%TPA Vanilla Custard II     0.75%VT Red Dates     0.5%WF Bread (Sweet) SC     0.5%WF Cookie Butter SC     0.25%WF Croissant SC     3%

Total Flavor: 14.25%