Sunny Morning Streusel🌞


10/30/21 Butter Pecan Streusel Nuttin' better than waking up to the aroma of pastry, nuts and spices floating from the kitchen. Bakery notes here are from Yellow Cake, Oatmeal Cookie & Crumble Topping. Minor amounts of doughy notes also came from the BP Pie and the CC Roll. All of this bakery required some steeping to sort itself out and blend evenly with the Butter Pecan. I used a small amount of Custard to curb any dryness. CC Roll gave the recipe sticky caramel flavor with the cinnamon spice. Goes well with a cup of coffee. It's also a good base for adding warm fruits like apples, cherries, currants, bananas, etc. We're dealing with a lot of cakey doughy notes here, so I advise a decent steep. As always, sweeten to taste. Thank-you to DEVELOPED site, Discord group and videos for DIY info, help and discussion. Innokin Ajax tank - Plex 3D Mesh Coil 0.35 ohm - 44W (DL) Innokin Kroma Z - Z Coil 0.30 ohm - 35W (RDL) Smok Nord 2 - RPM Mesh Coil 0.4 ohm - 23W (RDL) Mood music while mixing - Walkin' On The Sun by Smash Mouth ELR:


CAP Super Sweet     1%FW Caramel Cinnamon Roll     3.5%INW Custard     0.5%JF Yellow Cake     2%OOO Butter Pecan     2.25%TPA Oatmeal Cookie     1.5%WF Butter Pecan Pie     2.75%WF Crumble Topping SC     1.5%

Total Flavor: 15%