Simple Sherbet (using ID10T's VIC 1-2-3 base)


Best Ice cream base I've found yet I use ID10t's VIC base as a staple in almost any ice cream I'm going for. It is the perfect ice cream in my opinion. I just received OoO Rainbow Sherbet (Top Shelf) and knew this would be a perfect starting point to making a sherbet base that could be altered in the future for different flavor options (Raspberry, orange, lime, tropical sherbets, etc...) I wanted to keep it simple and further build this out in the future. This is a great starting point for a really nice creamy sherbet recipe. Thank you ID10T for this amazing VIC base to lean on, I love it. If you need a good ice cream base, look no further than his 1-2-3 VIC.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%OOO Rainbow Sherbet (Top Shelf)     1.5%SSA Ice Cream Vanilla     1%TPA Vanilla Swirl     2%WF Vanilla Ice Cream SC     3%

Total Flavor: 8%