The Peach Yogurt


### Oh so creamy.. ***Note*** I might change the name of this recipe. It's not a good name but I couldn't come up with a better one. Suggestions are welcome! ***tl;dr*** This is a super smooth peach yogurt with a twist of coconut. I've been putting off releasing this recipe partly because I'm just too lazy to write a description and being unsure if I wanted to tweak it more. But over the course of three months I've moved from a lot of 10ml testers to bigger batches recently so I guess it's time. I'm happy with this, I hope you will be too. ### Ingredients The flavors in this recipe basically fall into three categories: * **The Yogurt** base is FW Yogurt. It's a nice and inoffensive yogurt flavor that most can agree on I think. On it's own it wasn't enough for me though. I settled on FLV Smoothie Base, because it kind of blends the creams and the fruit together while adding some more tangy creaminess to the yogurt. The result was good, but still a little thin. So I added FLV Cream to thicken it up. Cream isn't a necessity and you can leave it / lower it by half if you fancy a lighter yogurt. * **The Peach** is a pretty basic INW Peach and FA Apricot combo. I tried all my other peaches in this but this was the winner. * **The Coconut** is the tried and tested FLV Coconut + Sweet Coconut combination. Nothing new but it does the job well. The coconut is more in the background and makes this more interesting to vape. ### Additional Notes * *Sweetener of course is up to you. I like to add 1% FW Sweetener.* * *Leave out or lower FLV Cream if you want a lighter yogurt vape.* * *The yogurt base is pretty good and would likely work great with other fruits. Give it a go!*


FLV Coconut     0.3%FLV Cream     0.75%FLV Smoothie Base     1%FLV Sweet Coconut     1%FW Yogurt     2.5%FA Armenia (apricot)     1%INW Peach     1.2%

Total Flavor: 7.75%