The Best Strawberry Cheesecake Ever (Till Now)


After many versions, finally I got a perfect Strawberry Cheesecake. The best. Until now. Yes INW and Cheesecake JF are the best couple to bring a rich cheesecake base with a touch of caramel and crust. Yogurt will contribute on creaminess. The Strawberry Jam OOO, Juicy FA and Sweet CAP combo are the perfect stone for a jammy/candy strawberry. The tricky part is to balance the recipe, allowing to feel the crust, the cheesecake base and the jammy strawberry at the same time. And it's done! I can't stop vape this. SNV ready. Vote and share your impressions.


CAP Super Sweet     0.75%CAP Sweet Strawberry     1.5%FW Yogurt     2%FA Juicy Strawberry     1.5%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     3%JF Cheesecake Graham Crust     1.25%OOO Strawberry Jam     2.5%

Total Flavor: 12.5%