Wicks Chappies


This tastes exactly like Wicks chappies. The ones you enjoyed as a child. Main flavors is Wintergreen and Extreme Ice, which gives that wicks taste, the extreme ice at 2% also adds just the right amount of coolness on the inhale. Stick gum adds to the juiciness and binds the 2 main flavors together. You can also add 0.5% Supper Sweet (CAP) If you want it more on the sweeter side Ethyl maltol rounds of the sharp edges. And finally musk candy which also helps bind everything together and also adds just a touch of musk flavor to the overall recipe. Can add 0.5 Koolada or the one i rather prefer, Polar blast Fa for extra coolness on the exhale. You can also add 0.5% Super Sweet (CAP) if you want it more on the sweet side


FW Extreme Ice     2%FW Stick Gum (2xmint)     1%TPA Cotton Candy     0.5%TPA Musk Candy     0.6%TPA Wintergreen     7.75%

Total Flavor: 11.85%