Cinnamon Dusted Caramel Apple Dainty


Caramel Apple Cookie lightly dusted with Cinnamon. This recipe uses Time Machine Cookie by DavidN2KL as the Cookie Base, FA Cookie, FA Cookie Premium, FA Vanilla Cookie, and WF Cookie Butter because it’s Butter and works well in bakeries. FLV Apple Filling is so versatile, it’s thick and gooey, and the spice note is used for the Cinnamon. Finally FW Caramel Salted blends it all together, adds to the thick gooey center and sweetness. I recommend you steep this for 5 to 7 days but this was already good at 3 days.


FLV Apple Filling     1.5%FW Caramel (salted)     1.75%FA Cookie     0.75%FA Cookie Premium     2.25%FA Vanilla Cookie     1.75%WF Cookie Butter SC     0.7%

Total Flavor: 8.7%