Blueberry Cheesecake


sub 4% cap ny cheesecake or 4% tpa cheesecake graham crust if you don’t have fw sub 1% tpa graham cracker clear if you do not have fw fa custard used for the lemon hint it has that can aid with keeping strawberry from getting drowned out from heavier cream type recipes. i have found fw blueberry to be the most complete/balances and versatile of any blueberry I have tried. It is a nice balance between a candy blueberry and a natural blueberry while leaning a little more to the candy taste which in my opinion is preferred when being used in a dessert. fa black currant is such a versatile flavor that all mixers should have. It pairs excellent with blueberry in lower percentages making it a bit more “authentic”. lemon meringue pie used here not only because lemon and blueberry were meant for each other but it enhances the authenticity of the cheesecake. tpa dragonfruit also works to boost raspberry. tpa vanilla custard I use in nearly everything at 1% as its a fantastic sweetener that goes with everything for my tastes. if you do not yet have cap vanilla whipped cream just get it. it has replaced fa whipped cream not only because I think it tastes better but also because it is very readily available. i like whipped cream on any and all desserts and cap whipped cream gives me that dollop of sweet fluffy dairy goodness.


CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream     2%FW Blueberry     5%FW Cheesecake     4%FW Graham Cracker     2%FW Lemon Meringue Pie     1%FA Blackcurrant     1%TPA Vanilla Cupcake     1%

Total Flavor: 16%