Strawberry Jammy Cheesecake


Delicious Strawberry Cheesecake using OOO Strawberry Jam, a full, syrupy, strawberry jam, that’s red and dark with a bit of a butter. OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake supports the strawberry to make it more of a glaze and what little cheesecake notes it has supports the cheesecake base. LB Strawberry Cheesecake is the main flavor used in the cheesecake base. NY Cheesecake and FA Cookie fill in what LB Strawberry Cheesecake is missing. Adjust sweetener to taste. Good off the shake but better after three or four days.


CAP New York Cheesecake     2%CAP Super Sweet     0.2%FA Cookie     1%LB Strawberry Cheesecake     3.5%OOO Strawberry Jam     2.25%OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake     2%

Total Flavor: 10.95%